Saturday, August 30, 2014


Something fun.  Hopefully won't take me long.  Just something different.

Arch bridge

So this was something I just wanted to play with.  It was an attempt at some new workflows. 
Most of them failed.  I kept changing how to approach it, and while useful in experimentation, made me take longer to finish this due to each process making me take a step (or several) backwards.  Eventually I decided on a different route, it worked well enough, and then finished this.  Way longer than it should've been, but you can't know if somethings works if you don't try and fail at it. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Subway station test - final pass

 So many things got changed around, but it was so it could be more appealing, and make sense construction wise.  This was another...hour to hour and a half.  So total time was around 7 hours roughly.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Subway station test - pass 1

This is another quick test/run through.  Buddy and I were talking about what to tackle next, and I liked the concept of a subway station.  I had started a sci-fi one previously...I may have to go back to re-visit it. 
This pass was probably...5 hours or so.  

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Borderlands 2 - Echo device

Did this week or two ago.  It took me a few days to get the colors and look just right.  

Apartment rough - final pass

Since the other pass was a bit hard to read, I updated it a bit more to make things more clear, instead of the vague-ness with the checkerboard texture.

Only about a half hour of additional work, so still around 8 hours (roughly) for everything.  It might be re-visited to add in other small decorations, but unclear is I'll bring it to hi-poly quality.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


 I'm playing with something a bit modular, to build a make-shift hangar.  Still playing with designs, what to use, etc., then I'll use the pieces to create the whole scene. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Apartment test pass 2

 So this is pass two on this little test.  Aside from the cosmetic changes I fixed up some of the geometry so it wasn't quite so chaotic.  I'm not sure how much else I'll be working on it, as this was to see how fast I could put it all together. 
Most of the remaining details are tiny things to make it more lived in (bins, posters, wall/door trim,etc).  We'll see if I continue it further. 
I worked on it off and on, but I'd say a total of maybe..4-5 hours on this pass.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Apartment test

This was a quick exercise, doing it in passes by a recommendation from a friend.  This is just the rough layout/placement/scale.  Next pass will clean up the geometry, and then create models with somewhat more detail to be used. 
Roughly 4:30 hours.

'Dream' house

So this is something I worked on for a while, posted some progress a while back, and hadn't really posted recent updates.  There's still a lot to add (couch-es, chairs, and plenty of other decorations.  Most of this is just getting some colors down, an idea of how I want it to look, what items are built out of, and messing with lighting.  Everything is a rough pass and as more is added, lighting will be played with.  Hopefully, I'll finish this.